Marvel's Inhumans (Inhumans)
Marvel's Inhumans, or simply Inhumans, is a North American television series genre science-fiction and superhero television series created by Scott Buck and produced by ABC Studios based on the characters of the same name in Marvel comics.The series is located in the Cinevel Universe of Marvel (UCM), sharing continuity with the films of the franchise, and being the first series filmed with a budget and equipment for IMAX Corporation as a funding partner and Buck serving as showrunner.
Inumanos will debut on IMAX screens on September 1, 2017, being screened for two weeks, before opening on ABC on September 26, and featuring eight episodes.
The series is starring actors Anson Mount, Iwhan Rheon, Ken Leung and Serinda Swan as the royal family of the Inhumans. Initially planned as a phase three film in the Marvel film universe, the film was subsequently discarded and produced as a mini television series on ABC Studios. The production of the series began in 2016 with the filming of the pilot episode before obtaining an official order for a first season of eight episodes.
After having suffered a coup d'etat the royal family of the Inhumans directed by Black Bolt, escape to Hawaii where they looked for a way to save themselves and the rest of the world.
Cast of Marvel's Inhumans (Inhumans)
Anson Mount as Black Bolt:
Leader of the royal family of the Inhumans and King of Attilan with the ability to cause massive destruction with the least of whispers. On managing the character and interpreting Mount as the dumb character, showrunner Scott Buck commented, "Anson is terrifying."He think everyone will be pleased and excited about their Black Bolt, we are not doing a voice over. The comics will discover that Black Bolt finds a way to communicate with people but he is also a puzzling character and he keeps many things.It is part of what is so fascinating about him many times, we do not know what he is thinking about."
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